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Your Complete Guide for How to Effectively Train Employees with Technology

Did you know that 68% of workforce believes training employees and skill development is the most important benefit their workplace can offer? Here’s everything you need to know about training employees  in a modern setting, along with some best practices and tips on how to use advanced technology to maximize your investment. 

Training Employees : The Nitty Gritty

You probably already know that employee training and development are all the ways in which you can help your staff learn new skills, gain industry knowledge, and brush up on their techniques. But did you know that businesses who prioritized employee training saw a 24% increase in profit margins on average when compared to companies who didn’t invest in this strategy? Besides supporting bottom line objectives, consistent employee training actually improves their overall engagement, builds trust, and ultimately leads to lower turnover rates. 

But in order to reap all of these rewards, employers will have to do much more than simply host a presentation or share a slide deck. These outdated formats are not only less effective, they fail to take modern team structures into account, leaving behind remote or mobile employees. A simple solution for the modern day workplace? Technology of course! 

Training employees 

Source: Flickr

The top benefits of combining employee training with advanced technology

Besides being far more effective, the use of technology in training provides tangible benefits such as: 

  • Getting Millennial and Gen Z employees up to speed using tools they are already familiar with. 

In recent years, studies have shown that Millennials in particular are likely to leave a position within two years if they are unsatisfied with how their skills are being developed. To put that into perspective, it can cost anywhere between $4,000 to $8,000 to hire one employee after spending roughly 42 days to do so. In order to get the most out of your investment into these resources, it’s important that you invest in training that helps make your employees more well rounded. 

Humans spend a great deal of their lives at work and their level of enjoyment while there can impact their performance. Employee training helps people feel like their role is important for the bigger picture. But it can also help them bond with teammates and feel more connected to the brand’s core values. All of these factors make up a healthier office environment which leads to happier, more engaged employees. 

Technology used for employee training helps standardize the process and, even if they’re not all in the same room, shared experience is psychologically proven to bring people together, giving them a common touchstone regardless of where they are located, how long they’ve been in the industry, or what position they hold. And while you can try to replicate in-person training at every office, there’s no real way to track progress or make sure the experience is uniform for each group, eliminating the shared experience factor from the dynamic. 

  • Aligning right-on-time training with individual employee development. 

Group employee training can still have fantastic effects on individual growth. Because employee training technology is so easy to use and highly accessible, managers can provide these lessons ahead of big events, as a refresher mid-quarter, or any other time their team’s skills will be put to the test. But technology also allows managers to alter individual tracks, so when certain employees begin the training they can also receive bonus modules or quizzes on things relevant to their unique position.  

Removing Barriers for Employees with Disabilities 

Whether or not your employees are officially registered as disable, tools like the ones mentioned below help level the playing field and boost the success of your team as a whole. By providing these technologies, you create avenues for social good and personal fulfillment as well as improved business performance, a true win-win scenario.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

And as you can see from this image, training and workshops are a must for employees to achieve their full potential. With these major benefits in mind, let’s take a closer look at some best practices you can use to guide your next steps. 

Best Practices of Training Employees 

Besides integrating advanced technology into employee training you should also make sure to do the following: 

  • Blended learning led by individual instruction via live stream can help surpass challenges presented by teams with employees from diverse backgrounds, educations, and cultures. 
  • Your training method must be based on concrete and achievable goals that go beyond simply hoping your employees will learn a new skill from it. 
  • Present learning opportunities in a variety of ways so that employees can learn in a format that makes the most sense to them. This, of course is possible through the use of employee training technology. 
  • In order to host an effective training, you must understand your audience. Before you schedule the training, be sure to go through your invitation list and conduct a training audience analysis. The information you gather will help form your strategy moving forward. 
  • Mobile friendly training and development tools are a hot trend in this arena right now and are expected to remain one of the more popular options for a while. They help managers incorporate relevant social media features, gamify progress, and create smaller, easier to digest lessons. 

Once you’ve got these modern employee training tips down, it’s time to take a closer look at ways to get the most out of you and your team’s investment. 

6 Powerfully Effective Ways of Training Employees Through Technology

You can use any one of these tools to supercharge your training methods or combine them as you please.

1. VR & AR as a Training Tool

 training employees with technology

Source: AF.mil 

Virtual reality employee training is now available to businesses in any industry. Big brands like Walmart have already adopted this technology and other successful companies are following suit. Research has shown that VR & AR can actually help new hires get up to speed in half as much time as it would take without using them, so it makes sense why this trend is catching on. 

But VR & augmented reality training might not be for everyone. It’s worth considering the serious downsides presented by this tool, which are mostly the fact that it’s not really that scalable and some people still get motion sickness from it. Either way, virtual reality gadgets are continuing to improve with more and more companies finding creative uses for it (including nursing homes in this article that are making their residents’ lives better). 

2. iPad & Tablet Based Training

Source: Twitter

Your employees probably have these types of devices at home for personal use, so the learning curve on this technology is practically nonexistent in this day and age. Even today’s schools are finding ways to help educate their students through iPads. Apple products in particular are helpful for employee training because they can easily sync up with other brand devices like computers and phones. So no matter where employees are in their training, they can just pick back up on another platform without missing a beat. 

If you’re going to use tablets of any kind in employee training, keep these tips in mind: 

  • Pair a Learning Management System with your device. Make sure it has a responsive design, especially if you expect employees to transition unfinished training to their home environment after work or when they’re on the go. 
  • For this type of device, eLearning modules are your best bet. They enhance learner engagement and can make use of re purposed training content (like videos) to deliver bite-sized, easier to absorb lessons. 
  • If your team has mostly of non-desk employees, you should definitely be using these tools. Retailers of all kinds are finding that iPads and tablets used for employee training work best in this type of environment.

training employees 

Source: Wikimedia Commons

3. Desktop Computer & Laptop Training

Whether you use an app, a native program, or a cloud-based software, employee training through these desktop computers and laptops have a lot of benefits. And while these tools aren’t exactly new (personal home computers have been around a little over 40 years now) not every office can buy enough computers or laptops to offer each employee their own device for training, which is why technology rental is an attractive option for any budget. 

4. Mobile Phones as a tool for Training Employees 

If employees are reimbursed for using their own mobile phones during training, you can implement a BYOD (bring your own device) policy for these sessions. Otherwise if data security is a concern or if not everyone on your staff has access to market-leading mobile phones, it’s worth investing in some rental equipment for this particular tool. 

There are some really awesome ways to use mobile phones for employee training. From on-boarding to soft skills to compliance, the options are endless. Because mobile phones are a highly portable solution, you can either use them as your sole training device or combine them with desktop or laptop computers so employees can learn on whatever is most comfortable for them. But mobility is especially important for traveling sales teams or any profession where companies train employees in the field. 

5. Software Based Training

It’s affordable, convenient, and engaging. No matter what training software you use, you’ll still need to use one or more devices to help facilitate the use of it. One of the major advantages of using software based training in addition to videos or eBooks is the ability to measure and track progress. Some programs are injected with AI, which means they can do things like create individual lesson tracks as the user progresses through the course. 

AI can also help gather information to create reports on overall team progress. Managers can then assess this data and look for trends, weaknesses, and patterns to better inform future lessons, creating a constant cycle of improvement that will both future-proof the businesses themselves and improve the baseline performance quality of teams as a whole. 

6. Using Video Walls in Training Seminars 

Source: Twitter

Experts predict that video walls will become a more integral component of office settings both in terms of customer interaction and internal procedures. In addition to impressively filling lobby spaces with targeted marketing content, there are lots of other creative uses for this technology. 

Video walls can support your business goals in a variety of ways and employee training is certainly one of them. Besides cutting down on physical handouts, video walls can show info in real time, simultaneously display different information across multiple screens. And it can provide touchscreen options for presenters. Furthermore, video chat technology allows instructors to control the video wall remotely. 

  1. Audiovisual Training Using Interactive Screens

Audiovisual technology is a proven tool for increasing workplace productivity in the modern office. Not only is it cost effective, it can also help make employee training gain 24/7 access to materials, walk through product demos, and work as a team with remote staff.  The reason why interactivity is so important in employee training is because it introduces flexibility to the process. 

With audiovisual employee training tactics using interactive screens, managers can effectively: 

  • Provide learning simulations in which knowledge is absorbed but also directly applied. This helps with deep learning, also known as someone’s ability to retain, apply, and improve on knowledge held long term. 
  • Implement pop quizzes as needed, measuring comprehension in real time. If you find that employees just aren’t getting it, you can maximize training ROI by altering the lesson as you go or postponing the module until they’ve mastered this subsection.2. Projector and Video Conferencing Presentation for Employee Training

Projectors are practically synonymous with education. But today’s advancements in projector technology is worlds ahead of where it was a decade or two ago. In fact, projectors are now considered one of the cornerstones of office equipment that are absolutely essential for employee training

Beyond common sense benefits (larger, more visible screens and affordable equipment) projectors are also critical for another tool we’ve briefly touched on: video conferencing. Whether you’re training office teams across the country or saving on travel expenses, video conferencing offer budget-friendly effective methods for employee training. 

Now you’re ready for some practical application! 

Once you’ve mastered your employee training strategy with some help from advanced technology, be sure to catch up on other tech trends you might be missing out on. And don’t worry if you don’t own any of the tools mentioned above. You can always rent them through RentiPads. Our helpful team of professionals can help guide you through the process and help you determine the best tech for your employee training needs. 

Acknowledgement: This blog is contributed by Maria Waida and edited by Jim Jain

How to Choose the Best Projector

Projectors have in the recent years become the cornerstone of any successful presentation. They have also moved beyond the conferences, meetings, movie theaters to homes, offering larger displays for entertainment. The resulting increase in the variety of projectors on the market has however made it harder to choose the best projector. Whether renting, which is a cheaper option or buying a projector, several key factors can help make it easier to choose the most suited projector.

Big-screen presentation makes a lasting impression to wow the audience and stimulate visual senses. For Businesses, it is a perfect way to share the information with customers in the form of Power Point Presentation or Data Spreadsheet. For gamers and Movie buffs, Projectors offer large screen life like experiences.

Best Projector that is ideal for movie watching may not be best suited for business presentation at a conference hall with lot of ambient light. Choosing the right projector for the event remains a daunting task but with the knowledge and proper planning, one can optimize the selection and get the best value. This guide is intended to cover various aspects about types of projectors, technology, accessories and much more.

Topics for Projector Selection:

  • Types of Projectors
  • Projector Technology
  • Input Devices and how to connect them to a Projector
  • Projector Screens
  • Accessories
  • Where to Buy or Rent a Projector

Type of Projectors

Projectors for Home Theater

Modern home theater projectors can project crisp High Density images as large as 150 inches across. Home theater projectors are designed to provide high contrast images, with deep blacks and rich color resolution with proper aspect ratio. Aspect Ratio refers to the rectangular shape of a video image where earlier versions had 4:3 but newer projectors and content have 16:9. The resolution is the pixels that the device has available for the creation of an image and ranges from 720P, 1080P to 4K with 1080P being best for homes. Besides aspect ratio, a projector’s brightness is an important factor to consider. Brightness is illumination perceived by the eye which depends on the lumen rating and screen reflection, moderate brightness is better for homes. Finally, the contrast is the difference in the brightness between darkest and brightest parts of an image, with home theaters needing more.

Home Theater Projectors are ideal for showing movies, sports events, family photo slide shows and playing video games. People choose home theater projectors for high quality image quality, ease with which they can be connected to home TV via HDMI cables and finally for quite operation.

Best Home Theater Projectors:

Best Projector for Home Theater provides movie cinema like experience in home at affordable prices. These projectors are able to compensate for ambient light with higher brightness and contrast resulting in vivid images. A reflective screen is highly recommended to further improve image quality in a partially lit room. Also, this category of projectors are easy to connect to TV and DVD players. According to Ariaav.com  best Home Theater Projectors are:

Optima EH 3200UST Projector

  • 4,000 Lumens with 1920 x 1080 Full HD and weighing 10.5 Lbs.
  • 20,000:1 Contrast Ratio
  • Ultra Short Throw Lens

Epson 3000 Lumen Projector

How To Choose Best Projector

  • 3000 Lumens of White Brightness
  • iProjection App Compatible
  • Wireless Ready

Business Projectors

Business projectors are essentially used for presentations at meetings, conferences, training rooms and other company events. Power Point and sales oriented presentations are usually held in rooms and conference halls with plenty of ambient light and for this reason business projectors are designed with extra ordinary bright light source with high resolution.

Most business projectors utilize the latest technology in DLP, LCD and Laser projectors.  This category includes projectors from lightweight portables to projectors that are permanently mounted. The projectors listed here will span in the range from sub-five pound portable business projectors to large venue projectors with 10,000 lumens or more. A typical office projector for small Board rooms, Hotel Ballrooms and training rooms these days offers 2000 to 5000 lumens with entry level performance and resolution. Recently WUXGA and 1080p business projectors have gained significant market share  now that they are far more affordable, starting as low as $600.

According to  PC Magazine some of the top selling brands of business projectors include View Sonic, Epson, Optima, Sony, Panasonic, BenQ, Christie, and Sharp.

Best Business Projectors

Our team of experts in audio visual business picked, following Best Business Projectors based on their ability to provide sharp crisp images in an business environment. Best business projectors are easy to setup, have multiple inputs to connect laptop or other devices, are portable and provide wireless connections. For more information about best projector, please refer to Projectorreviews.com

View Sonic 5000 Lumen Projector

How To Choose Best Projector

  • 1024 X 768
  • 8.6 LBS

View Sonic PJD 7382 Projector

How To Choose Best Projector
  • Latest 120Hz and 3D DLP
  • Support 1024 X 768  VGA To UXGA
  • Ultra Short Throw Lens

   Epson PowerLite Pro Z8455WUNL Projector

How To Choose Best Projector
According to Epson this projector is a powerful performer that’s easy to install, manage and maintain, the PowerLite Pro Z8455WUNL multimedia projector offers 7000 lumens of color/white light output for captivating presentations in virtually any venue, even those with ambient light. Featuring WUXGA resolution, innovative 3LCD technology and a contrast ratio up to 5000:1, the Z8455WUNL delivers brilliant widescreen images in lecture halls, conference centers and entertainment venues. Setup and installation are easy with 360-degree projection, edge blending and more. Offering diverse connectivity and a full suite of monitor and control features, this high-definition, high brightness projector ensures easy integration with complex devices, plus a low overall cost of ownership. With its sleek black casing, it’s ideal for staging and rental applications. Choose from a variety of optional lenses to meet most any need.
Bright, widescreen performance — 7000 lumens color/white light output; WUXGA resolution
Advanced features — edge blending, split screen, DICOM simulation mode and FineFrame interpolation
Diverse connectivity for easy integration — includes HDMI, HD-SDI and LAN Connectivity

Panasonic PT-RZ970bu 10000 Lumens Projector

  • 10,000 Lumens Laser
  • 1920 x 1200 True HD
  • 51.1 lbs

Projector Screen Size Requirement

When searching for a best projector, it is also essential to focus on the projector screen size. Screen sizes range from diagonal measurements of 50 inches to 300 inches or even more. This factor is usually dependent on the size of the audience.

Larger audience usually requires a larger screen size for presentation. The rule of thumb is that the distance to the furthest individual in the audience should never exceed eight times the screen height. That ensures every person in the audience has a clear view and does not strain. The type of presentation also has a role to play here. On other hand, for smaller audience a more modest display will do just fine. At this level, what matters more is the picture quality with more focus on clarity. It has to large enough for a comfortable view while being small enough to fit in the room. The smaller projector screens require less powerful projectors than the large audience projector screens.There are three categories:

General viewing which includes PowerPoint and video.
Reading for instance spreadsheets require larger screen.
Inspection for instance of detailed information like engineering drawings will need the larger screen than the above.
With a projector and screen, you can make images much larger than most HDTVs can. The screen size needs to match the aspect ratio of your projector, such as 4:3, 16:9 or 2.4:1.

Projector Input & Connections

Another critical factor to consider while selecting best projector is the input to the projector that allows connection to data or video source. Primarily, there is analog and digital input. Analog signal input is made up of luminance (brightness) and chrominance (color) that are combined into channels. They are easier to process and can display higher resolutions.
Digital input utilizes a binary system in the transmission of data making it render higher image qualities and be less vulnerable to interference.

Video or Data Types

HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Input) is a digital interface combining HD video and multichannel audio and inter component control

DVI (Digital Video Interface) is a high-quality digital input with digital, analog or a combination of both in the transmission of video data

BMC carries analog signals referred to as Red Green Blue Horizontal Vertical (RGBHV) through five cables with advantage of higher quality and longer distances

Component that carries analog signals over an RCA connector and can be split into two or more components

VGA is common with personal computers and carries an analog signal (RGBHV) with DDC2 digital clock and data

S-video that carries video data as two separate signals of brightness and color

Composite transmits analog signals over an RCA connector

Audio Input

Audio input includes the renowned RCA, a left, and right audio input and the popular 3.5mm audio jack input.

Other Inputs

Besides the primary inputs, some projectors have USB for PC-less presentation, 3-in-1 USB display, and Micro SD input.


Projector Accessories

Several accessories are required for the projector to deliver optimally. A consideration of these accessories and the additional cost can help make an informed decision when shopping. The accessories include:

The lenses help in making the image larger or smaller so that it can fit on the screen. Whether analyzing a projector while basing on the lens quality or purchasing separate lenses, the lens type matters.

Long throw lenses allow a considerable distance between the projector and screen and are not suitable for small rooms. On the other hand, short throw lenses allow for the projection of large images even at a short distance from the screen and are ideal for smaller rooms. The ultra-Short throw lenses will allow for the projection of large, high-quality images at a very short distance from the screen.


The transmission determines the quality of output, and therefore the choice of cable is critical with digital being superior to analog. The length matters too.

It allows for duplication of video signals, and some do boost the signal too and include video splitters and HDMI splitters

Input Devices

They include presentation remote, keyboards, mice and other devices that make the control of the presentation easier.

Where to Rent A Projector or Buy

Fortunately there are many options where businesses can buy or rent a Projector. For long term use it makes perfect sense to buy the best business Projector. There are plenty of brick and mortar stores like Best Buy and Projector Central that sell and lease projectors and carry a wide range of projectors to choose from. However, to get the best value one must explore the possibility to buy directly from manufacturers and their distributors.

The affordable option that provides access to high-quality projectors is short-term rentals. One can rent a projector for a day or week from services like Event Technology that have a broad range of projectors available. Despite being the cheaper option, projector rentals vary in cost from one company to another. The projector rental cost will depend on factors such as:

High high-end laser projectors cost more than their average counterparts used in small rooms or homes. Another factor affecting the cost is the duration of renting projectors. Rental companies often offer discounts for long term rentals. The setup and operation cost are the additional costs that will be incurred and therefore have a role to play in the overall cost. It should be noted that extra services and support may often be charged by some rental companies and result in higher prices. to keep the cost down, it is prudent to ask for flat rate projector rentals.

Professional Projector Setup

Even after selecting best projector, getting the best out of a projector display remains a challenge to many people. There are strategic ways that can help get the best image quality and it takes skills to pull it off. Critical aspects of projector setup are listed below that may require professional help.

Distance from Projector Screen

The range at which the projector is set from the screen depends on several factors that include the screen size, audience size, lens type and projector quality. The calculations involved may be astounding, and therefore professional input comes in handy.

Lighting Environment

The lighting conditions are not enough a focus on the area in the hall that is best suited for the projector screen can help maximize visibility. An expert eye can with ease identify where best to project the presentation for the best view.

Connecting all the accessories and the source of input may turn out to be an overwhelming job. However, some may find it easier with time, but to most people, they will need skilled help.

It is therefore vital to get professional help when preparing for a successful presentation. The best projector rentals always offer professional projector setup and support like what Event Technology Rentals currently provides.

Choose Wisely & Plan Ahead

How to choose the best projector depends on the understanding of the above crucial features. An excellent presentation depends on how well the projector functions now that they have become the mainstay of every display. It is not only the projector qualities that matter but also the accessories, services, and the cost is essential in determining the projector that is perfect for the job. It may take patience to assess and arrive at the best projector and therefore start the search early enough before the presentation is essential. ETR has a vast selection of high-quality projectors to choose from at a cost lower than any other rental and is a perfect alternative to buying.

How Computers Help Me Create Information

How Computers Help Me Create InformationWe live in a world where we have access to more information than ever before. The breadth of knowledge available at our fingertips is both incredible and overwhelming. Computers and technology have played the immense role in facilitating this availability of information. They play a role in gathering, recording, and distributing information. Due to the ever-increasing pool and the advancement of technology that allows access to this information I am faced with the responsibility to both learn as much of it as I can, and to build myself into a scholar who will help analyze and organize it for those who come after me.

I am currently enrolled in California State University, Long Beach working to gain my Psychology Bachelor’s Degree and my Health Science Minor. I work in a behavioral Neuroscience lab that does addiction research and through being in this lab I have discovered that I want to go on and pursue a career as a Psychological Researcher. I have used a computer every day of my life as a student because of the amazing tool that it is, which allows me to do almost everything that I need to do to be successful.

Computer as Research Tool

I use a computer to gather information on the background of what I want to research in the form of literature searches (by using online databases). I use my computer to create spreadsheets to help me remember the most important bits of information that I will need to remember when looking at the results of my own work. I use a computer to record data from the research that I am conducting and to analyze it by using online statistics programs such as SPSS. And then I use my computer to write about my research and to communicate its implications and relations to existing literature. Finally I use my computer to make that information accessible to others through online databases and journals.

Laptops & Computers are a necessary part of my success in achieving my goals as an undergraduate student, as well as the goals that I want to pursue through being a part of academia in the future. I want to go on to pursuing my doctorate degree after I finish my undergraduate degree and I’d like to do so in Health Psychology. I want to explore more methods in research, all of which will include automated systems that will be collecting data through computerized applications. Computers have allowed for whole new approaches to research methods and to record keeping in research and in society. I would like to add to all of this information made possible through the use of computers.

To accomplish this goal of mine, I will be using a computer for the rest of my life. They have become my favorite tool for success!

Acknowledgement: This essay was submitted by Yohanna C. Brown for  RentiPads.com Scholarship.

Laptop Crazy


My fingers twitch with anticipation as I rip into the shiny Christmas wrapping paper, as I peal back the layers of paper, the sharp edges of a card board box protrude out of the edges of the paper. The last of the paper is shredded away and within the box lays a smooth black new laptop from Toshiba. My seventh grade heart started pounding with excitement to use the new laptop.

Today, as I open the same computer my senior year, to begin my first Varsity debate, the keys in the computer are cracked like old teeth and the top and bottom are splitting apart, creaking like an ancient wooden staircase, but the laptop is still an essential part of my strategy. Hidden within the broken creaking bolts of the tired old Toshiba is all my cases for Varsity debates as well as rebuttal information and additional research.

Besides debate and speech activities, my computer over the last five years has been a vital part of my study habits. Throughout my childhood, I struggled with dyslexia coupled with atrocious handwriting. The combination, left most of my writing a simple sea of jumbled gibberish that was incoherent due to spelling mistakes and sloppy letters. Once I opened the computer though my seventh grade year, the technology provided me with a method for producing more coherent writing and has made me into a better student.

In the long term, I hope to pursue a career in business or law, in both fields my computer will remain a vital tool in my work. The simple laptop can help me to connect with customers, future employers and investors in my future for years to come. Similarly to how my current computer connects me with students, parents and teachers for running my own tutoring program, as I progress with my future career, my computer will continue to help me connect with new opportunities.

Twenty years from now, I’ll take out a computer with shiny new keys that opens as quietly as a mouse, and has an airtight security code to protect all my important work information. Beyond a fire wall of specialized passwords inside the new sophisticated laptop lie the secrets of large corporations I defend or the bank statements of my own new company illustrating a progressive growth pattern in my company’s profit margins. My laptop will continue to be a vital part of my organization process whether I’m creating my own startup from the ground up, or working within large firms, the computer will always be an important storage and security device for my important information. In the long run, I know that laptops will be as vital to my life in the future as they are right now, and as they were on that simple Christmas morning six years ago when I tore into the Toshiba that I still use today.

Acknowledgement: This essay was submitted by Margaret Krenke for 2017 Rentipads.com Education Scholarship




My Laptop is My Lifeline

My Laptop is My LifelineThe world is utilizing technology more and more and this is most obvious when walking on a college campus. In my freshman year of college, I bought the same supplies for university as I did for high school pens, pencils, and notebooks for each class and within the first week I realized I could return nearly all those supplies because all I needed was my Laptop.
Technology in the college classroom goes far beyond writing papers and power point presentations. The entire academic process from applying to school, registering for classes and completing coursework is done online. College students are so dependent on the internet that when the Wi-Fi on campus becomes overloaded and shuts down students will use their cellular data plans to go on Twitter to express their outrage over this injustice because they were just about to finally start that essay that they were assigned a week ago.
Even as a strong advocate for the old-fashion pen and paper I quickly realized that my laptop computer is going to be the heart of my academic and professional life. Being involved in so many clubs and having a rigorous academic schedule requires that I create very meticulous agenda. I have several events, classes, and meetings that come at me from various people covering time frames from tomorrow to next year. I absolutely need my computer to keep track of everything I must do on campus or at home. Being able to stay organized allows me to have both academic achievement and involvement in a variety of on campus activities.
In addition to being able to organize my life I use my laptop Apps to complete the tasks I put in my planner no matter where I am. While sitting at work I can email questions to my professors and while eating lunch I can both complete my homework and turn it in. The diversity of tasks that I can accomplish from a study room in the library with nothing, but my computer and an internet connection is extraordinary, homework, current events and of course a quick Netflix study break is all achieved without moving or getting something out of my backpack.
Moreover, one of the most stressful parts about being a college student is wondering how I will be able to pay for that $10,000 tuition. One quick search on my laptop and I can find thousands of scholarships to pay for school and hundreds of job applications, so I can pay my rent. This is the most important job my computer has because without this financial security all the work I put into my academics would be pointless but because of my laptop the only thing that keeps me up at night is that math test I have tomorrow.

Acknowledgement: This essay was submitted by Megan Spittell for 2017 Rentipads.com Education Scholarship


Masterpieces Through Technology

Masterpieces Through Technology
Click Clickity Clack

Click…. click…. clack…. Clickity clack, the sound of buttons being pushed on keyboards across the world are the sound of artists creating masterpieces through technology.Without the click clacking of the keys, the future of illustration, design, and art would be as stark as a canvas that has never felt the stroke of a brush. My world would be bleak without the ability to pursue my creative passions. With the use of computer technology, and even better, a laptop, the world of creation could literally be at my fingertips at home, school, or at any given location where inspiration strikes.
Through the use of design programs, I could have my pallet and canvas with me at all times. As an art major, who has applied to the University of Arizona’s fine arts illustration and design program, this scholarship would be a huge asset in opening doors to the future. Not only would I be able to complete course work, do research, and pursue my love for design, I would be able to use a laptop to compile my portfolio, research scholarships, search and apply for jobs, and eventually reach my goal of completing my master’s degree in order to teach at a university as an art instructor. This gift of a laptop would continually be passed forward.
Not only would it benefit me, but it, the buttons, the keys, the click, click clacking on the keyboard, would be the keys that open the door of opportunity for me, as well as many others. As I move forward to being more self-reliant, and obtaining a job in a field that I love, I realize
that the only fulfillment in life is by helping, serving, and teaching others, so that they as well can become successful upstanding citizens. I am so grateful for those like you who offer help to those in need. If I am awarded this scholarship, it will be used to further my education, in order to reach a successful point in my life where I will then be able to give back in return.

Success isn’t reached in a day, just as a masterpiece isn’t created with one stroke of a brush, or one click of a keyboard. It is however reached through multiple failures, sweat, tears, hard work, millions of brushstrokes, and billions of click clickity clacks on the keyboard. In my pursuit to success, I would largely benefit from all that this scholarship has to offer. The use of a laptop would give me the tools I need to focus on my personal path to creating my own beautiful masterpiece in life. The world will be filled with the click click clicks, and the clack clack clacks of creation, as one more struggling student uses the keys to open the doors to her future.

Acknowledgement: This essay was submitted by Ashley Savage of St, David for 2017 Rentipads.com Scholarship Essay Competition.